The method of simple and not cumbersome shape in fabric packaging design

The method of simple and not cumbersome shape in fabric packaging design

The appearance of the product is the embodiment of the internal functional structure of the product, which directly affects people's understanding and use of the functional instructions of the product, and is closely related to the processing and assembly of the product. The revolution of the electronic industry has made the cumbersome mechanical structures inside many products replaced by the integrated circuits of tiny electronic computers. Humans no longer spend a lot of precious materials to complete a functional structure, which greatly simplifies the process of assembly. On the other hand, because the invisible things such as electronics liberate the designer, it is easy for the designer to lose his "reason" and design the shape of the product emotionally, without considering how to discard some unnecessary decorations and facilitate the craftsmanship. reduce costs. As a result, many complicated and decorative product forms have been introduced.

A product with real vitality and appeal should integrate a highly concise shape with a set of natural, rich and powerful design language, so that the product can establish a relationship with its own technology and culture, so that the operator can see it. And the moment you touch the product, you understand everything. And the most efficient mastering and operating the product is just in line with the rhythm of modern people's life and work. All of this requires designers to abstract and simple morphological features and master the trade-offs.

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